When you think of the Ford GT you think of a powerful and efficient vehicle. The Ford GT is a bundle of raw power. In both forms, new and old, the vehicle is stunning. It looks and feels great, just as you’d expect from a real supercar. It is exactly this fame surrounding the Ford GT that has pushed the folks over at Wheelsandmore to fit both Ford GT generations with a brand new set of rims. The result speaks for itself. Both cars, old and new, look amazing with the added set of rims.
While the old and new Ford GT are worlds apart in terms of technology and looks, they do share the same core values, values that have been given to these particular models by the American automaker. The fitted carbon fiber rims are either 20 or 21 inch models. Regardless of the size, these manage to improve the look of both cars. These rims fit flawlessly into the original design of the car. Nothing seems to be out of place with the modifications made by Wheelsandmore. In fact, everything seems to fall into place.
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