
First US BMW M3 got tuned

While we didn’t know it at the time, it seems that the very first unit of the new BMW M3 that arrived on US soil was destined for tuning.

Coming out of the tuners hands, the car can now produce a respectable 580 Hp.

First US BMW M3 tuned to 580 Hp


First US BMW M3 tuned to 580 Hp

And when I say respectable, I might be underplaying it a bit. While the stock 3.0 liter twin turbo engine is capable of delivering plenty of thrills with 425 Hp, the engine retune really turned it up a notch. Managing the extra power are a new set of springs from H&R, and Brembo brakes, while some MORR wheels were also added.

First US BMW M3 tuned to 580 Hp
First US BMW M3 tuned to 580 Hp

It’s almost perfect that the first BMW M3 to get to US got tuned, as this follows closely to the tendency of BMW tuners to go for the BMW M3, regardless of generation. This speaks volumes about the car itself and the legacy it managed to set. Unfortunately, more details are not yet available, but you can enjoy some nice photos of the car.

What do you think?

Andrei Cristea

Written by Andrei Cristea

Andrei Cristea is an essential part of our content development team, as he has vast experience in the field of car tuning and modifications. Andrei, who has a mechanical engineering background, possesses an aptitude for technical writing, which allows explaining even quite complicated subjects in simple language. He writes about the latest tuned cars, how to tune engines, exhaust systems, and more. It can be seen in his articles that Andrei has a passion for cars as well as his participation in developing the site as a comprehensive source of information in the car tuning industry.

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