
V8 fitted to BMW Isetta

Over the years, I have seen a few BMW Isettas restored and even slightly improved, but I don’t recall any quite as daring as this one.

Built as a home project, this BMW Isetta is now the receiver of a massive 4.6 liter 281 CID engine from a Rover 75.

BMW Isetta with V8 engine


BMW Isetta with V8 engine

Besides occupying most of the small car’s interior, the V8 engine is also capable of delivering somewhere close to 300 Hp. The engine was hooked up to a 4 speed transaxle gearbox, and I bet a lot more alteration had to take place to accommodate the big and powerful new engine.

BMW Isetta with V8 engine
BMW Isetta with V8 engine

The only thing that seems to sorely miss is an wheelie bar. With small cars fitted with big engines, the tendency to do a wheelie when you floor it is quite high. But in order to compensate for that, the owner did a nice paintjob with flames and Marvin the Martian.

What do you think?

Andrei Cristea

Written by Andrei Cristea

Andrei Cristea is an essential part of our content development team, as he has vast experience in the field of car tuning and modifications. Andrei, who has a mechanical engineering background, possesses an aptitude for technical writing, which allows explaining even quite complicated subjects in simple language. He writes about the latest tuned cars, how to tune engines, exhaust systems, and more. It can be seen in his articles that Andrei has a passion for cars as well as his participation in developing the site as a comprehensive source of information in the car tuning industry.

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