
Tesla Model S by SS Customs

It seems that over 5 percent of Tesla’s employees are veterans, and considering this, Tesla is a big supporter of veterans.

Couple that with the U.S. Veteran’s Day, and you can understand why they contacted SS Customs to create a unique Tesla Model S.

Tesla Model S by SS Customs


Tesla Model S by SS Customs

The modifications the tuner applied to the Model S are purely aesthetic, unless you care to include the various army tools that were put on top of the car. Other than that, it is quite obvious that a camo wrap was applied to the body, with carious decals and the US Army star.

Tesla Model S by SS Customs
Tesla Model S by SS Customs

The headlights also received a nice yellow tint, while the rear windows got a distinctive foil, which reminisces of various armored vehicles of the WWII period. Last but now least, the wheels also received a nice camo paint. If we were to couple the camo with the silent electric powertrain, this Tesla Model S by SS Customs would do a nice job of sneaking up on someone. But for now it will just be a nice way for the company to give something back.

What do you think?

Andrei Cristea

Written by Andrei Cristea

Andrei Cristea is an essential part of our content development team, as he has vast experience in the field of car tuning and modifications. Andrei, who has a mechanical engineering background, possesses an aptitude for technical writing, which allows explaining even quite complicated subjects in simple language. He writes about the latest tuned cars, how to tune engines, exhaust systems, and more. It can be seen in his articles that Andrei has a passion for cars as well as his participation in developing the site as a comprehensive source of information in the car tuning industry.

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