
Ferrari Enzo apocalypse rendering

In the tuning world, there is a small niche that caters to a specific group: those who wish, expect or at least have an obsession with one form or another of apocalypse.

In a true Mad Max style, vehicles usually find their way into these scenarios, with the proper modifications.

Post apocalypse Ferrari Enzo


Post apocalypse Ferrari Enzo

While we have seen plenty of trucks and SUVs receiving the treatment, I can’t really say I’ve seen a Ferrari Enzo prepped for the fallout. Until now, that is. While this might be just a rendering, it is a well executed one, and it looks quite amazing. Not very practical, but quite a looker.

Post apocalypse Ferrari Enzo
Post apocalypse Ferrari Enzo

As you might have expected, there is plenty of armor fitted to the body, including front airless tires (the new hexagonal ones that keep appearing in the medias) and chained rear tires. Add to that a few extra headlights, also armored, some weapons, because things will need killing post apocalypse, and a massive jet engine. With the Carmageddon 3 game soon to be released, I’d urge the artist to try and get this Enzo into the game… you never know.

What do you think?

Andrei Cristea

Written by Andrei Cristea

Andrei Cristea is an essential part of our content development team, as he has vast experience in the field of car tuning and modifications. Andrei, who has a mechanical engineering background, possesses an aptitude for technical writing, which allows explaining even quite complicated subjects in simple language. He writes about the latest tuned cars, how to tune engines, exhaust systems, and more. It can be seen in his articles that Andrei has a passion for cars as well as his participation in developing the site as a comprehensive source of information in the car tuning industry.

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