When you think of Nissan’s 370Z you probably think of road races and drift events, but most likely not about off-roading in it. Nissan, however, has thought of that and being the perfect season for such thoughts, decided to turn one 370Z into a snowmobile. The result is simply amazing. The Nissan 370Zki as it’s been called is definitely an interesting addition to Nissan’s range of car models.
This is and will probably remain the only such 370Z. This means that the 370Zki is even more unique than we thought. The interesting thing is that the automaker has opted for modifying the convertible version of the 370Z, which means you can easily admire the sky while riding in this weird Nissan snowmobile. A couple of modifications had to be made in order to adapt the car to the new road conditions. While it can’t be said that the car’s structure was radically modified, there is still a serious amount of engineering that went into this particular conversion.
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