When you think of Range Rover, you think of classy SUV vehicles built with the British spirit in mind. These vehicles are refined vehicles. They combine the exterior roughness, typical for an SUV, with the comfort of a luxurious inside. With this particular Range Rover Velar, the folks over at Lumma Design decided to further improve this vehicle’s already impressive look and feel.
Visually speaking, Lumma Design has added custom wheel arch extensions. The Range Rover Velar looks wider and more beefy. The wheel arches were added in order for the Velar to better accommodate Lumma’s own rims. With the rims added, the vehicle looks more stylish. The vehicle also looks aggressive. By no means is the Range Rover Velar a flashy car. The style of aggressiveness developed through the added upgrades is more on the stealth side. The car stands out while still fitting in with the rest of the traffic.
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