Tuning your car vehicle sometimes may become an expensive one and you need to focus more on how to save more money while performing the process. However, there some DIY (Do it yourself) techniques available for tuning your car vehicle with high accuracy. As a car owner, you can try them that can help to improve the working conditions of your vehicle. Another thing is that they give ways to increase the speed, performance levels, and functions of your car with high success rates.
Here are some DIY tuning tips you can follow that ultimately help you to ensure maximum fuel economy.
1. Replace air filter

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The air filter is an important component in your car and you have to replace the same for every 12 months or 12000 miles. You can visit a mechanic in your location or you can replace the air filter at your home within 10-15 minutes. If you don’t how to replace the filter then, you can get ideas from various sources for completing the job with ease.
2. Check tire pressure

It is an important one to check the pressure of tires in your car vehicle for ensuring maximum traction on the roads. Adjusting your tire pressure will help you to avoid expensive suspension modifications thereby showing ways to save more money. On the other hand, going too low or too high will result in high fuel consumption. Therefore, it is advisable to adjust it properly for gaining more advantages.
3. Maintain the battery in good condition
Keeping the battery in good condition will allow you to drive your vehicle efficiently on the roads. Remove the battery terminals and clean the posts with a high-quality product. When the terminals are tight, use a screwdriver to loosen them as soon as possible. A dead battery can lead to various problems and have a look at the old battery for minimizing unwanted problems.
4. Flush the radiator
A radiator and cooling system in your car should function well for making a smooth trip. It is advisable for you to clean both of them regularly that can increase the efficiency levels. The building up of deposits on the radiator will affect the functions of a cooling system and you should flush radiator for experiencing the desired outcomes. A radiator flush is an inexpensive way to maintain the cooling system in a better state.
5. Replace the brake pads

It is necessary to replace the brake pads in your car vehicle for every 20,000 miles. However, you should check your owner’s manual for knowing more about the specifications of your model in detail. Although brake pads are easy to replace, you should perform them with safety.
6. Change oil and oil filter
Change oil when your car vehicle crosses more than 3000 miles. Furthermore, you should check the conditions of the oil filter with special attention for ensuring a fine drive on the roads. Don’t change your oil when the engine is hot.
7. Check spark plugs

Replace spark plugs for every 30,000 miles that can help get more mileage. Changing a spark plug is a simple process and perform the task with patience.
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