When thinking of vehicles of historic importance in the American culture, you don’t usually think of vehicles from the 1960’s. One particular reason is that there are plenty of other periods to chose vehicles from, far better represented, when talking about the United States of America. There are, however, exceptions. One such example of an exception is this unique 1964 Lincoln Continental that will be auctioned soon. Without a doubt, the person that will own this vehicle is going to be a very happy man. This particular build combines stealthy and classy in one perfect package.
Right from the start, you notice the matte grey finish. This is the main modification that gives this particular vehicle a stealthy look. It almost resembles a military airplane. The added set of rims completes that look. The way in which these two elements mix is simply amazing. It actually seems like the car came out the factory gates looking like this. The amount of upgrades, in this particular case, is simply stunning. The fact that all these new components fit together so neatly is even more stunning. Every aspect of this 1964 Lincoln Continental seems to have been taken care of.
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